Source code for cuvarbase.bls

Implementation of the box-least squares periodogram [K2002]_
and variants.

.. [K2002] `Kovacs et al. 2002 <>`_

from __future__ import print_function, division

from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
import sys

import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule

from .core import GPUAsyncProcess
from .utils import find_kernel, _module_reader

import resource
import numpy as np

_default_block_size = 256
_all_function_names = ['full_bls_no_sol',

_function_signatures = {
    'full_bls_no_sol': [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
                        np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
                        np.intp, np.uint32, np.uint32,
                        np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32,
                        np.float32, np.float32],
    'bin_and_phase_fold_custom': [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
                                  np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
                                  np.intp, np.intp, np.int32,
                                  np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32,
    'reduction_max': [np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32,
                      np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32, np.uint32],
    'store_best_sols': [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32,
                        np.uint32, np.uint32, np.float32, np.uint32,
    'store_best_sols_custom': [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
                               np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32,
                               np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32],
        [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.intp,
         np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32, np.uint32,
         np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32, np.uint32,
         np.float32, np.uint32],
    'binned_bls_bst': [np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.uint32]

def _reduction_max(max_func, arr, arr_args, nfreq, nbins,
                   stream, final_arr, final_argmax_arr,
                   final_index, block_size):
    # assert power of 2
    assert(block_size - 2 * (block_size / 2) == 0)

    block = (block_size, 1, 1)
    grid_size = int(np.ceil(float(nbins) / block_size)) * nfreq
    grid = (grid_size, 1)
    nbins0 = nbins

    init = np.uint32(1)
    while (grid_size > nfreq):

        max_func.prepared_async_call(grid, block, stream,
                                     arr.ptr, arr_args.ptr,
                                     np.uint32(nfreq), np.uint32(nbins0),
                                     arr.ptr, arr_args.ptr, np.uint32(0), init)
        init = np.uint32(0)

        nbins0 = grid_size / nfreq
        grid_size = int(np.ceil(float(nbins0) / block_size)) * nfreq
        grid = (grid_size, 1)

    max_func.prepared_async_call(grid, block, stream,
                                 arr.ptr,  arr_args.ptr,
                                 np.uint32(nfreq), np.uint32(nbins0),
                                 final_arr.ptr, final_argmax_arr.ptr,
                                 np.uint32(final_index), init)

[docs]def fmin_transit(t, rho=1., min_obs_per_transit=5, **kwargs): T = max(t) - min(t) qmin = float(min_obs_per_transit) / len(t) fmin1 = freq_transit(qmin, rho=rho) fmin2 = 2./(max(t) - min(t)) return max([fmin1, fmin2])
[docs]def fmax_transit0(rho=1., **kwargs): return 8.6307 * np.sqrt(rho)
[docs]def q_transit(freq, rho=1., **kwargs): fmax0 = fmax_transit0(rho=rho) f23 = np.power(freq / fmax0, 2./3.) f23 = np.minimum(1., f23) return np.arcsin(f23) / np.pi
[docs]def freq_transit(q, rho=1., **kwargs): fmax0 = fmax_transit0(rho=rho) return fmax0 * (np.sin(np.pi * q) ** 1.5)
[docs]def fmax_transit(rho=1., qmax=0.5, **kwargs): fmax0 = fmax_transit0(rho=rho) return min([fmax0, freq_transit(qmax, rho=rho, **kwargs)])
[docs]def transit_autofreq(t, fmin=None, fmax=None, samples_per_peak=2, rho=1., qmin_fac=0.2, qmax_fac=None, **kwargs): """ Produce list of frequencies for a given frequency range suitable for performing Keplerian BLS. Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times. fmin: float, optional (default: ``None``) Minimum frequency. By default this is determined by ``fmin_transit``. fmax: float, optional (default: ``None``) Maximum frequency. By default this is determined by ``fmax_transit``. samples_per_peak: float, optional (default: 2) Oversampling factor. Frequency spacing is multiplied by ``1/samples_per_peak``. rho: float, optional (default: 1) Mean stellar density of host star in solar units :math:`\\rho=\\rho_{\\star} / \\rho_{\\odot}`, where :math:`\\rho_{\\odot}` is the mean density of the sun qmin_fac: float, optional (default: 0.2) The minimum :math:`q` value to search in units of the Keplerian :math:`q` value qmax_fac: float, optional (default: None) The maximum :math:`q` value to search in units of the Keplerian :math:`q` value. If ``None``, this defaults to ``1/qmin_fac``. Returns ------- freqs: array_like The frequency grid q0vals: array_like The list of Keplerian :math:`q` values. """ if qmax_fac is None: qmax_fac = 1./qmin_fac if fmin is None: fmin = fmin_transit(t, rho=rho, samples_per_peak=samples_per_peak, **kwargs) if fmax is None: fmax = fmax_transit(rho=rho, **kwargs) T = max(t) - min(t) freqs = [fmin] while freqs[-1] < fmax: df = qmin_fac * q_transit(freqs[-1], rho=rho) / (samples_per_peak * T) freqs.append(freqs[-1] + df) freqs = np.array(freqs) q0vals = q_transit(freqs, rho=rho) return freqs, q0vals
[docs]def compile_bls(block_size=_default_block_size, function_names=_all_function_names, prepare=True, **kwargs): """ Compile BLS kernel Parameters ---------- block_size: int, optional (default: _default_block_size) CUDA threads per CUDA block. function_names: list, optional (default: _all_function_names) Function names to load and prepare prepare: bool, optional (default: True) Whether or not to prepare functions (for slightly faster kernel launching) Returns ------- functions: dict Dictionary of (function name, PyCUDA function object) pairs """ # Read kernel cppd = dict(BLOCK_SIZE=block_size) kernel_txt = _module_reader(find_kernel('bls'), cpp_defs=cppd) # compile kernel module = SourceModule(kernel_txt, options=['--use_fast_math']) functions = {name: module.get_function(name) for name in function_names} # prepare functions if prepare: for name in functions.keys(): sig = _function_signatures[name] functions[name] = functions[name].prepare(sig) return functions
[docs]class BLSMemory(object): def __init__(self, max_ndata, max_nfreqs, stream=None, **kwargs): self.max_ndata = max_ndata self.max_nfreqs = max_nfreqs self.t = None self.yw = None self.w = None self.t_g = None self.yw_g = None self.w_g = None self.freqs = None self.freqs_g = None self.qmin = None self.nbins0_g = None self.qmax = None self.nbinsf_g = None self.bls = None self.bls_g = None self.rtype = np.float32 = stream self.allocate_pinned_arrays(nfreqs=max_nfreqs, ndata=max_ndata)
[docs] def allocate_pinned_arrays(self, nfreqs=None, ndata=None): if nfreqs is None: nfreqs = int(self.max_nfreqs) if ndata is None: ndata = int(self.max_ndata) self.bls = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(nfreqs,), dtype=self.rtype, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.bls = cuda.register_host_memory(self.bls) self.nbins0 = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(nfreqs,), dtype=np.int32, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.nbins0 = cuda.register_host_memory(self.nbins0) self.nbinsf = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(nfreqs,), dtype=np.int32, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.nbinsf = cuda.register_host_memory(self.nbinsf) self.t = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(ndata,), dtype=self.rtype, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.t = cuda.register_host_memory(self.t) self.yw = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(ndata,), dtype=self.rtype, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.yw = cuda.register_host_memory(self.yw) self.w = cuda.aligned_zeros(shape=(ndata,), dtype=self.rtype, alignment=resource.getpagesize()) self.w = cuda.register_host_memory(self.w)
[docs] def allocate_freqs(self, nfreqs=None): if nfreqs is None: nfreqs = self.max_nfreqs self.freqs_g = gpuarray.zeros(nfreqs, dtype=self.rtype) self.bls_g = gpuarray.zeros(nfreqs, dtype=self.rtype) self.nbins0_g = gpuarray.zeros(nfreqs, dtype=np.uint32) self.nbinsf_g = gpuarray.zeros(nfreqs, dtype=np.uint32)
[docs] def allocate_data(self, ndata=None): if ndata is None: ndata = len(self.t) self.t_g = gpuarray.zeros(ndata, dtype=self.rtype) self.yw_g = gpuarray.zeros(ndata, dtype=self.rtype) self.w_g = gpuarray.zeros(ndata, dtype=self.rtype)
[docs] def transfer_data_to_gpu(self, transfer_freqs=True): self.t_g.set_async(self.t, self.yw_g.set_async(self.yw, self.w_g.set_async(self.w, if transfer_freqs: self.freqs_g.set_async(self.freqs, self.nbins0_g.set_async(self.nbins0, self.nbinsf_g.set_async(self.nbinsf,
[docs] def transfer_data_to_cpu(self): # self.bls_g.get_async(ary=self.bls, if is None: self.bls = self.bls_g.get() / self.yy else: self.bls_g.get_async(ary=self.bls, self.bls /= self.yy
# return self.bls
[docs] def setdata(self, t, y, dy, qmin=None, qmax=None, freqs=None, nf=None, transfer=True, **kwargs): if freqs is not None: self.freqs = np.asarray(freqs).astype(self.rtype) self.nbinsf = (np.ones_like(self.freqs)/qmin).astype(np.uint32) self.nbins0 = (np.ones_like(self.freqs)/qmax).astype(np.uint32) self.t[:len(t)] = np.asarray(t).astype(self.rtype)[:] w = np.power(dy, -2) w /= sum(w) self.w[:len(t)] = np.asarray(w).astype(self.rtype)[:] self.ybar = sum(y * w) self.yy =, np.power(y - self.ybar, 2)) u = (y - self.ybar) * w self.yw[:len(t)] = np.asarray(u).astype(self.rtype)[:] if any([x is None for x in [self.t_g, self.yw_g, self.w_g]]): self.allocate_data() if self.freqs_g is None: if nf is None: nf = len(freqs) self.allocate_freqs(nfreqs=nf) if transfer: self.transfer_data_to_gpu(transfer_freqs=(freqs is not None)) return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromdata(cls, t, y, dy, qmin=None, qmax=None, freqs=None, nf=None, transfer=True, **kwargs): max_ndata = kwargs.get('max_ndata', len(t)) max_nfreqs = kwargs.get('max_nfreqs', nf if freqs is None else len(freqs)) c = cls(max_ndata, max_nfreqs, **kwargs) return c.setdata(t, y, dy, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, freqs=freqs, nf=nf, transfer=transfer, **kwargs)
[docs]def eebls_gpu_fast(t, y, dy, freqs, qmin=1e-2, qmax=0.5, functions=None, stream=None, dlogq=0.3, memory=None, noverlap=2, max_nblocks=5000, force_nblocks=None, dphi=0.0, shmem_lim=None, freq_batch_size=None, transfer_to_device=True, transfer_to_host=True, **kwargs): """ Box-Least Squares with PyCUDA but about 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than eebls_gpu. Uses shared memory for the binned data, which means that there is a lower limit on the q values that this function can handle. To save memory and improve speed, the best solution is not kept. To get the best solution, run ``eebls_gpu`` at the optimal frequency. .. warning:: If you are running on a single-GPU machine, there may be a kernel time limit set by your OS. If running this function produces a timeout error, try setting ``freq_batch_size`` to a reasonable number (~10). That will split up the computations by frequency. .. note:: No extra global memory is needed, meaning you likely do *not* need to use ``large_run`` with this function. .. note:: There is no ``noverlap`` parameter here yet. This is only a problem if the optimal ``q`` value is close to ``qmin``. To alleviate this, you can run this function ``noverlap`` times with ``dphi = i/noverlap`` for the ``i``-th run. Then take the best solution of all runs. Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times y: array_like, float Observations dy: array_like, float Observation uncertainties freqs: array_like, float Frequencies qmin: float or array_like, optional (default: 1e-2) minimum q values to search at each frequency qmax: float or array_like (default: 0.5) maximum q values to search at each frequency dphi: float, optional (default: 0.) Phase offset (in units of the finest grid spacing). If you want ``noverlap`` bins at the smallest ``q`` value, run this function ``noverlap`` times, with ``dphi = i / noverlap`` for the ``i``-th run and take the best solution for all the runs. dlogq: float The logarithmic spacing of the q values to use. If negative, the q values increase by ``dq = qmin``. functions: dict Dictionary of compiled functions (see :func:`compile_bls`) freq_batch_size: int, optional (default: None) Number of frequencies to compute in a single batch; if ``None`` this will run a single batch for all frequencies simultaneously shmem_lim: int, optional (default: None) Maximum amount of shared memory to use per block in bytes. This is GPU-dependent but usually around 48KB. If ``None``, uses device information provided by PyCUDA (recommended). max_nblocks: int, optional (default: 200) Maximum grid size to use force_nblocks: int, optional (default: None) If this is set the gridsize is forced to be this value memory: :class:`BLSMemory` instance, optional (default: None) See :class:`BLSMemory`. transfer_to_host: bool, optional (default: True) Transfer BLS back to CPU. transfer_to_device: bool, optional (default: True) Transfer data to GPU **kwargs: passed to `compile_bls` Returns ------- bls: array_like, float BLS periodogram, normalized to :math:`1 - \chi_2(\omega) / \chi_2(constant)` """ fname = 'full_bls_no_sol' if functions is None: functions = compile_bls(function_names=[fname], **kwargs) func = functions[fname] if shmem_lim is None: dev = pycuda.autoinit.device att = cuda.device_attribute.MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK shmem_lim = pycuda.autoinit.device.get_attribute(att) if memory is None: memory = BLSMemory.fromdata(t, y, dy, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, freqs=freqs, stream=stream, transfer=True, **kwargs) elif transfer_to_device: memory.setdata(t, y, dy, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax, freqs=freqs, transfer=True, **kwargs) float_size = np.float32(1).nbytes block_size = kwargs.get('block_size', _default_block_size) if freq_batch_size is None: freq_batch_size = len(freqs) nbatches = int(np.ceil(len(freqs) / freq_batch_size)) block = (block_size, 1, 1) # minimum q value that we can handle with the shared memory limit qmin_min = 2 * float_size / (shmem_lim - float_size * block_size) i_freq = 0 while(i_freq < len(freqs)): j_freq = min([i_freq + freq_batch_size, len(freqs)]) nfreqs = j_freq - i_freq max_nbins = max(memory.nbinsf[i_freq:j_freq]) mem_req = (block_size + 2 * max_nbins) * float_size if mem_req > shmem_lim: s = "qmin = %.2e requires too much shared memory." % (1./max_nbins) s += " Either try a larger value of qmin (> %e)" % (qmin_min) s += " or avoid using eebls_gpu_fast." raise Exception(s) # nblocks = int((2 * max_shmem / (mem_req + 4 * float_size))) nblocks = min([nfreqs, max_nblocks]) if force_nblocks is not None: nblocks = force_nblocks grid = (nblocks, 1) args = (grid, block) if stream is not None: args += (stream,) args += (memory.t_g.ptr, memory.yw_g.ptr, memory.w_g.ptr) args += (memory.bls_g.ptr, memory.freqs_g.ptr) args += (memory.nbins0_g.ptr, memory.nbinsf_g.ptr) args += (np.uint32(len(t)), np.uint32(nfreqs), np.uint32(i_freq)) args += (np.uint32(max_nbins), np.uint32(noverlap)) args += (np.float32(dlogq), np.float32(dphi)) if stream is not None: func.prepared_async_call(*args, shared_size=int(mem_req)) else: func.prepared_call(*args, shared_size=int(mem_req)) i_freq = j_freq if transfer_to_host: memory.transfer_data_to_cpu() if stream is not None: stream.synchronize() return memory.bls
[docs]def eebls_gpu_custom(t, y, dy, freqs, q_values, phi_values, freq_batch_size=None, nstreams=5, max_memory=None, functions=None, **kwargs): """ Box-Least Squares, with custom q and phi values. Useful if you're honing the initial solution or testing between a relatively small number of possible solutions. Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times y: array_like, float Observations dy: array_like, float Observation uncertainties freqs: array_like, float Frequencies q_values: array_like Set of q values to search at each trial frequency phi_values: float or array_like Set of phi values to search at each trial frequency nstreams: int, optional (default: 5) Number of CUDA streams to utilize. freq_batch_size: int, optional (default: None) Number of frequencies to compute in a single batch; determines this automatically by default based on ``max_memory`` max_memory: float, optional (default: None) Maximum memory to use in bytes. Will ignore this if ``freq_batch_size`` is specified. If ``None``, will use the free memory given by ``pycuda.driver.mem_get_info()`` functions: tuple of CUDA functions Dictionary of prepared functions from :func:`compile_bls`. **kwargs: passed to :func:`compile_bls` Returns ------- bls: array_like, float BLS periodogram, normalized to 1 - chi2(best_fit) / chi2(constant) qphi_sols: list of (q, phi) tuples Best (q, phi) solution at each frequency """ functions = functions if functions is not None \ else compile_bls(**kwargs) block_size = kwargs.get('block_size', _default_block_size) ndata = len(t) # read max_memory as total free memory available from driver if max_memory is None: free, total = cuda.mem_get_info() max_memory = int(0.9 * free) if freq_batch_size is None: # compute memory real_type_size = 4 # data mem0 = ndata * 3 * real_type_size nq = len(q_values) nphi = len(phi_values) # q_values and phi_values mem0 += nq + nphi # freqs + bls + best_phi + best_q + best_sol (int32) mem0 += len(freqs) * 5 * real_type_size # yw_g_bins, w_g_bins, bls_tmp_gs, bls_tmp_sol_gs (int32) mem_per_f = 4 * nstreams * nq * nphi * real_type_size freq_batch_size = int(float(max_memory - mem0) / (mem_per_f)) if freq_batch_size == 0: raise Exception("Not enough memory (freq_batch_size = 0)") nbtot = len(q_values) * len(phi_values) * freq_batch_size grid_size = int(np.ceil(float(nbtot) / block_size)) # move data to GPU w = np.power(dy, -2) w /= sum(w) ybar =, y) YY =, np.power(np.array(y) - ybar, 2)) yw = (np.array(y) - ybar) * np.array(w) t_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(t).astype(np.float32)) yw_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(yw.astype(np.float32)) w_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(w).astype(np.float32)) freqs_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(freqs).astype(np.float32)) yw_g_bins, w_g_bins, bls_tmp_gs, bls_tmp_sol_gs, streams \ = [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(nstreams): streams.append(cuda.Stream()) yw_g_bins.append(gpuarray.zeros(nbtot, dtype=np.float32)) w_g_bins.append(gpuarray.zeros(nbtot, dtype=np.float32)) bls_tmp_gs.append(gpuarray.zeros(nbtot, dtype=np.float32)) bls_tmp_sol_gs.append(gpuarray.zeros(nbtot, dtype=np.uint32)) bls_g = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) bls_sol_g = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.uint32) bls_best_phi = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) bls_best_q = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) q_values_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray(q_values).astype(np.float32)) phi_values_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray(phi_values).astype(np.float32)) block = (block_size, 1, 1) grid = (grid_size, 1) nbatches = int(np.ceil(float(len(freqs)) / freq_batch_size)) bls = np.zeros(len(freqs)) bin_func = functions['bin_and_phase_fold_custom'] bls_func = functions['binned_bls_bst'] max_func = functions['reduction_max'] store_func = functions['store_best_sols_custom'] for batch in range(nbatches): imin = freq_batch_size * batch imax = min([len(freqs), freq_batch_size * (batch + 1)]) nf = imax - imin j = batch % nstreams yw_g_bin = yw_g_bins[j] w_g_bin = w_g_bins[j] bls_tmp_g = bls_tmp_gs[j] bls_tmp_sol_g = bls_tmp_sol_gs[j] stream = streams[j] yw_g_bin.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) w_g_bin.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) bls_tmp_g.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) bls_tmp_sol_g.fill(np.int32(0), stream=stream) bin_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(len(t) * nf) / block_size)), 1) args = (bin_grid, block, stream) args += (t_g.ptr, yw_g.ptr, w_g.ptr) args += (yw_g_bin.ptr, w_g_bin.ptr, freqs_g.ptr) args += (q_values_g.ptr, phi_values_g.ptr) args += (np.uint32(len(q_values)), np.uint32(len(phi_values))) args += (np.uint32(len(t)), np.uint32(nf)) args += (np.uint32(freq_batch_size * batch),) bin_func.prepared_async_call(*args) nb = len(q_values) * len(phi_values) bls_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(nf * nb) / block_size)), 1) args = (bls_grid, block, stream) args += (yw_g_bin.ptr, w_g_bin.ptr) args += (bls_tmp_g.ptr, np.uint32(nf * nb)) bls_func.prepared_async_call(*args) args = (max_func, bls_tmp_g, bls_tmp_sol_g) args += (nf, nb, stream, bls_g, bls_sol_g) args += (batch * freq_batch_size, block_size) _reduction_max(*args) store_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(nf) / block_size)), 1) args = (store_grid, block, stream) args += (bls_sol_g.ptr, bls_best_phi.ptr, bls_best_q.ptr) args += (q_values_g.ptr, phi_values_g.ptr) args += (np.uint32(len(q_values)), np.uint32(len(phi_values))) args += (np.uint32(nf), np.uint32(batch * freq_batch_size)) store_func.prepared_async_call(*args) best_q = bls_best_q.get() best_phi = bls_best_phi.get() qphi_sols = list(zip(best_q, best_phi)) return bls_g.get()/YY, qphi_sols
[docs]def dnbins(nbins, dlogq): if (dlogq < 0): return 1 n = int(np.floor(dlogq * nbins)) return n if n > 0 else 1
[docs]def nbins_iter(i, nb0, dlogq): nb = nb0 for j in range(i): nb += dnbins(nb, dlogq) return nb
[docs]def count_tot_nbins(nbins0, nbinsf, dlogq): ntot = 0 i = 0 while nbins_iter(i, nbins0, dlogq) <= nbinsf: ntot += nbins_iter(i, nbins0, dlogq) i += 1 return ntot
[docs]def eebls_gpu(t, y, dy, freqs, qmin=1e-2, qmax=0.5, nstreams=5, noverlap=3, dlogq=0.2, max_memory=None, freq_batch_size=None, functions=None, **kwargs): """ Box-Least Squares, accelerated with PyCUDA Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times y: array_like, float Observations dy: array_like, float Observation uncertainties freqs: array_like, float Frequencies qmin: float or array_like Minimum q value(s) to test for each frequency qmax: float or array_like Maximum q value(s) to test for each frequency nstreams: int, optional (default: 5) Number of CUDA streams to utilize. noverlap: int, optional (default: 3) Number of overlapping q bins to use dlogq: float, optional, (default: 0.5) logarithmic spacing of :math:`q` values, where :math:`d\log q = dq / q` freq_batch_size: int, optional (default: None) Number of frequencies to compute in a single batch; determines this automatically based on ``max_memory`` max_memory: float, optional (default: None) Maximum memory to use in bytes. Will ignore this if ``freq_batch_size`` is specified, and will use the total free memory as returned by ``pycuda.driver.mem_get_info`` if this is ``None``. functions: tuple of CUDA functions returned by ``compile_bls`` Returns ------- bls: array_like, float BLS periodogram, normalized to :math:`1 - \chi^2(f) / \chi^2_0` qphi_sols: list of ``(q, phi)`` tuples Best ``(q, phi)`` solution at each frequency """ def locext(ext, arr, imin=None, imax=None): if isinstance(arr, float) or isinstance(arr, int): return arr return ext(arr[slice(imin, imax)]) functions = functions if functions is not None \ else compile_bls(**kwargs) if max_memory is None: free, total = cuda.mem_get_info() max_memory = int(0.9 * free) # smallest and largest number of bins nbins0_max = 1 nbinsf_max = 1 block_size = kwargs.get('block_size', _default_block_size) max_q_vals = locext(max, qmax) min_q_vals = locext(min, qmin) nbins0_max = int(np.floor(1./max_q_vals)) nbinsf_max = int(np.ceil(1./min_q_vals)) ndata = len(t) nbins_tot_max = count_tot_nbins(nbins0_max, nbinsf_max, dlogq) if freq_batch_size is None: # compute memory real_type_size = np.float32(1).nbytes # data mem0 = ndata * 3 * real_type_size # freqs + bls + best_phi + best_q + best_sol (int32) mem0 += len(freqs) * 5 * real_type_size # yw_g_bins, w_g_bins, bls_tmp_gs, bls_tmp_sol_gs (int32) mem_per_f = 4 * nstreams * nbins_tot_max * noverlap * real_type_size freq_batch_size = int(float(max_memory - mem0) / (mem_per_f)) if freq_batch_size == 0: raise Exception("Not enough memory (freq_batch_size = 0)") gs = freq_batch_size * nbins_tot_max * noverlap grid_size = int(np.ceil(float(gs) / block_size)) # move data to GPU w = np.power(dy, -2) w /= sum(w) ybar =, y) YY =, np.power(np.array(y) - ybar, 2)) yw = (np.array(y) - ybar) * np.array(w) t_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(t).astype(np.float32)) yw_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(yw.astype(np.float32)) w_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(w).astype(np.float32)) freqs_g = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array(freqs).astype(np.float32)) yw_g_bins, w_g_bins, bls_tmp_gs, bls_tmp_sol_gs, streams \ = [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(nstreams): streams.append(cuda.Stream()) yw_g_bins.append(gpuarray.zeros(gs, dtype=np.float32)) w_g_bins.append(gpuarray.zeros(gs, dtype=np.float32)) bls_tmp_gs.append(gpuarray.zeros(gs, dtype=np.float32)) bls_tmp_sol_gs.append(gpuarray.zeros(gs, dtype=np.int32)) bls_g = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) bls_sol_g = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.int32) bls_best_phi = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) bls_best_q = gpuarray.zeros(len(freqs), dtype=np.float32) block = (block_size, 1, 1) grid = (grid_size, 1) nbatches = int(np.ceil(float(len(freqs)) / freq_batch_size)) bls = np.zeros(len(freqs)) bin_func = functions['bin_and_phase_fold_bst_multifreq'] bls_func = functions['binned_bls_bst'] max_func = functions['reduction_max'] store_func = functions['store_best_sols'] for batch in range(nbatches): imin = freq_batch_size * batch imax = min([len(freqs), freq_batch_size * (batch + 1)]) minq = locext(min, qmin, imin, imax) maxq = locext(max, qmax, imin, imax) nbins0 = int(np.floor(1./maxq)) nbinsf = int(np.ceil(1./minq)) nbins_tot = count_tot_nbins(nbins0, nbinsf, dlogq) nf = imax - imin j = batch % nstreams yw_g_bin = yw_g_bins[j] w_g_bin = w_g_bins[j] bls_tmp_g = bls_tmp_gs[j] bls_tmp_sol_g = bls_tmp_sol_gs[j] stream = streams[j] # stream.synchronize() yw_g_bin.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) w_g_bin.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) bls_tmp_g.fill(np.float32(0), stream=stream) bls_tmp_sol_g.fill(np.int32(0), stream=stream) bin_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(ndata * nf) / block_size)), 1) args = (bin_grid, block, stream) args += (t_g.ptr, yw_g.ptr, w_g.ptr) args += (yw_g_bin.ptr, w_g_bin.ptr, freqs_g.ptr) args += (np.int32(ndata), np.int32(nf)) args += (np.int32(nbins0), np.int32(nbinsf)) args += (np.int32(freq_batch_size * batch), np.int32(noverlap)) args += (np.float32(dlogq), np.int32(nbins_tot)) bin_func.prepared_async_call(*args) all_bins = nf * nbins_tot * noverlap bls_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(all_bins) / block_size)), 1) args = (bls_grid, block, stream) args += (yw_g_bin.ptr, w_g_bin.ptr) args += (bls_tmp_g.ptr, np.int32(all_bins)) bls_func.prepared_async_call(*args) args = (max_func, bls_tmp_g, bls_tmp_sol_g) args += (nf, nbins_tot * noverlap, stream, bls_g, bls_sol_g) args += (batch * freq_batch_size, block_size) _reduction_max(*args) store_grid = (int(np.ceil(float(nf) / block_size)), 1) args = (store_grid, block, stream) args += (bls_sol_g.ptr, bls_best_phi.ptr, bls_best_q.ptr) args += (np.uint32(nbins0), np.uint32(nbinsf), np.uint32(noverlap)) args += (np.float32(dlogq), np.uint32(nf)) args += (np.uint32(batch * freq_batch_size),) store_func.prepared_async_call(*args) best_q = bls_best_q.get() best_phi = bls_best_phi.get() qphi_sols = list(zip(best_q, best_phi)) return bls_g.get()/YY, qphi_sols
[docs]def single_bls(t, y, dy, freq, q, phi0): """ Evaluate BLS power for a single set of (freq, q, phi0) parameters. Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times y: array_like, float Observations dy: array_like, float Observation uncertainties freq: float Frequency of the signal q: float Transit duration in phase phi0: float Phase offset of transit Returns ------- bls: float BLS power for this set of parameters """ phi = np.asarray(t).astype(np.float32) * np.float32(freq) phi -= np.float32(phi0) phi -= np.floor(phi) mask = phi < np.float32(q) w = np.power(dy, -2) w /= np.sum(w.astype(np.float32)) ybar =, np.asarray(y).astype(np.float32)) YY =, np.power(np.asarray(y).astype(np.float32) - ybar, 2)) W = np.sum(w[mask]) YW =[mask], np.asarray(y).astype(np.float32)[mask]) - ybar * W return 0 if W < 1e-9 else (YW ** 2) / (W * (1 - W)) / YY
[docs]def hone_solution(t, y, dy, f0, df0, q0, dlogq0, phi0, stop=1e-5, samples_per_peak=5, max_iter=50, noverlap=3, **kwargs): """ Experimental! """ p0 = single_bls(t, y, dy, f0, q0, phi0) pn = None df = df0 dlogq = dlogq0 q = q0 phi = phi0 f = f0 nol = noverlap baseline = max(t) - min(t) functions = compile_bls(**kwargs) i = 0 while pn is None or i < 5 or ((pn - p0) / p0 > stop and i < max_iter): if pn is not None: p0 = pn fmin, fmax = f - 25 * df, f + 25 * df qmin = q / (1 + 5 * dlogq) qmax = q * (1 + 5 * dlogq) df *= 0.1 dlogq *= 0.25 nq = int(np.ceil(np.log(qmax/qmin)/dlogq)) q_values = np.logspace(np.log(qmin), np.log(qmax), num=nq, base=np.e) dphi = 2 * ((fmax - fmin) * baseline * samples_per_peak + dlogq * q) phimin = 0. phimax = 1. if dphi < 0.25: phimin = phi - dphi phimax = phi + dphi nphi = max([10, int(np.ceil(10 * min([2 * dphi, 1.]) / qmin))]) phi_values = np.linspace(phimin, phimax, nphi) nf = int((fmax - fmin)/df) freqs = np.linspace(fmin, fmax + df, nf) powers, sols = eebls_gpu_custom(t, y, dy, freqs, q_values, phi_values, freq_batch_size=5, nstreams=5, functions=functions, **kwargs) ibest = np.argmax(powers) f = freqs[ibest] q, phi = sols[ibest] pn = powers[ibest] i += 1 return f, pn, i, (q, phi)
[docs]def eebls_transit_gpu(t, y, dy, fmax_frac=1.0, fmin_frac=1.0, qmin_fac=0.5, qmax_fac=2.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, freqs=None, qvals=None, use_fast=False, **kwargs): """ Compute BLS for timeseries assuming edge-on keplerian orbit of a planet with Mp/Ms << 1, Rp/Rs < 1, Lp/Ls << 1 and negligible eccentricity. Parameters ---------- t: array_like, float Observation times y: array_like, float Observations dy: array_like, float Observation uncertainties fmax_frac: float, optional (default: 1.0) Maximum frequency is `fmax_frac * fmax`, where `fmax` is automatically selected by `fmax_transit`. fmin_frac: float, optional (default: 1.5) Minimum frequency is `fmin_frac * fmin`, where `fmin` is automatically selected by `fmin_transit`. fmin: float, optional (default: None) Overrides automatic frequency minimum with this value fmax: float, optional (default: None) Overrides automatic frequency maximum with this value qmin_fac: float, optional (default: 0.5) Fraction of the fiducial q value to search at each frequency (minimum) qmax_fac: float, optional (default: 2.0) Fraction of the fiducial q value to search at each frequency (maximum) freqs: array_like, optional (default: None) Overrides the auto-generated frequency grid qvals: array_like, optional (default: None) Overrides the keplerian q values functions: tuple, optional (default=None) result of ``compile_bls(**kwargs)``. use_fast: bool, optional (default: False) **kwargs: passed to `eebls_gpu`, `compile_bls`, `fmax_transit`, `fmin_transit`, and `transit_autofreq` Returns ------- freqs: array_like, float Frequencies where BLS is evaluated bls: array_like, float BLS periodogram, normalized to :math:`1 - \chi^2(f) / \chi^2_0` solutions: list of ``(q, phi)`` tuples Best ``(q, phi)`` solution at each frequency .. note:: Only returned when ``use_fast=False``. """ if freqs is None: if qvals is not None: raise Exception("qvals must be None if freqs is None") if fmin is None: fmin = fmin_transit(t, **kwargs) * fmin_frac if fmax is None: fmax = fmax_transit(qmax=0.5 / qmax_fac, **kwargs) * fmax_frac freqs, qvals = transit_autofreq(t, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, qmin_fac=qmin_fac, **kwargs) if qvals is None: qvals = q_transit(freqs, **kwargs) qmins = qvals * qmin_fac qmaxes = qvals * qmax_fac if use_fast: powers = eebls_gpu_fast(t, y, dy, freqs, qmin=qmins, qmax=qmaxes, **kwargs) return freqs, powers powers, sols = eebls_gpu(t, y, dy, freqs, qmin=qmins, qmax=qmaxes, **kwargs) return freqs, powers, sols