Source code for cuvarbase.tests.test_ce

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import pytest
from import mark_cuda_test
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from ..ce import ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess
lsrtol = 1E-2
lsatol = 1E-5
seed = 100

rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)

[docs]@pytest.fixture def data(sigma=0.1, ndata=500, freq=3., snr=1000, t0=0.): t = np.sort(rand.rand(ndata)) + t0 y = snr * sigma * np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * t) / np.sqrt(len(t)) y += sigma * rand.randn(len(t)) err = sigma * np.ones_like(y) return t, y, err
[docs]def assert_similar(pdg0, pdg, top=5): inds = (np.argsort(pdg0)[::-1])[:top] p0 = np.asarray(pdg0)[inds] p = np.asarray(pdg)[inds] diff = np.absolute(p - p0) assert(all(diff < lsrtol * 0.5 * (p + p0) + lsatol))
[docs]class TestCE(object): plot = False
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('ndatas', [1, 5, 10]) def test_multiple_datasets(self, ndatas, **kwargs): datas = [data() for i in range(ndatas)] proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) df = 0.02 max_freq = 1.1 min_freq = 0.9 nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) mult_results =, freqs=freqs) proc.finish() sing_results = [] for d in datas: sing_results.extend([d], freqs=freqs)) proc.finish() for rb, rnb in zip(mult_results, sing_results): fb, pb = rb fnb, pnb = rnb assert(not any(np.isnan(pb))) assert(not any(np.isnan(pnb))) assert_allclose(pnb, pb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol) assert_allclose(fnb, fb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('ndatas', [1, 7]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('batch_size', [1, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_double', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_fast,weighted,shmem_lc,freq_batch_size', [(True, False, False, 1), (True, False, True, None), (False, True, False, None), (False, False, False, None)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('phase_bins,phase_overlap', [(10, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mag_bins,mag_overlap', [(5, 0)]) def test_batched_run(self, ndatas, batch_size, use_double, mag_bins, phase_bins, mag_overlap, phase_overlap, use_fast, shmem_lc, weighted, freq_batch_size): datas = [data(ndata=rand.randint(50, 100)) for i in range(ndatas)] kwargs = dict(use_double=use_double, mag_bins=mag_bins, phase_bins=phase_bins, phase_overlap=phase_overlap, mag_overlap=mag_overlap, use_fast=use_fast, weighted=weighted) proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) df = 0.02 max_freq = 1.1 min_freq = 0.9 nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) run_kw = dict(shmem_lc=shmem_lc, freqs=freqs, freq_batch_size=freq_batch_size) batched_results = proc.batched_run(datas, **run_kw) proc.finish() non_batched_results = [] for d in datas: r =[d], freqs=freqs) proc.finish() non_batched_results.extend(r) for rb, rnb in zip(batched_results, non_batched_results): fb, pb = rb fnb, pnb = rnb assert(not any(np.isnan(pb))) assert(not any(np.isnan(pnb))) assert_allclose(pnb, pb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol) assert_allclose(fnb, fb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('ndatas', [1, 7]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('batch_size', [1, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_double', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_fast,weighted,shmem_lc,freq_batch_size', [(True, False, False, 1), (True, False, True, None), (False, True, False, None), (False, False, False, None)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('phase_bins,phase_overlap', [(10, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mag_bins,mag_overlap', [(5, 0)]) def test_batched_run_const_nfreq(self, ndatas, batch_size, use_double, mag_bins, phase_bins, mag_overlap, phase_overlap, use_fast, weighted, shmem_lc, freq_batch_size): frequencies = np.sort(10 + rand.rand(ndatas) * 100.) datas = [data(ndata=rand.randint(50, 100), freq=freq) for i, freq in enumerate(frequencies)] kwargs = dict(use_double=use_double, mag_bins=mag_bins, phase_bins=phase_bins, phase_overlap=phase_overlap, mag_overlap=mag_overlap, use_fast=use_fast) proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) df = 0.02 max_freq = 1.1 min_freq = 0.9 nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) run_kw = dict(shmem_lc=shmem_lc, freqs=freqs, freq_batch_size=freq_batch_size) batched_results = proc.batched_run_const_nfreq(datas, **run_kw) proc.finish() procnb = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) non_batched_results = [] for d, (frq, p) in zip(datas, batched_results): r =[d], **run_kw) procnb.finish() non_batched_results.extend(r) for f0, (fb, pb), (fnb, pnb) in zip(frequencies, batched_results, non_batched_results): if self.plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(fnb, pnb, color='k', lw=3) plt.plot(fb, pb, color='r') plt.axvline(f0) assert(not any(np.isnan(pb))) assert(not any(np.isnan(pnb))) assert_allclose(pnb, pb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol) assert_allclose(fnb, fb, rtol=lsrtol, atol=lsatol)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_double', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_fast,weighted,shmem_lc,freq_batch_size', [(True, False, False, 1), (True, False, True, None), (False, True, False, None), (False, False, False, None)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('phase_bins,phase_overlap', [(10, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mag_bins,mag_overlap', [(5, 0)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', [10.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t0', [0.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('balanced_magbins', [True, False]) def test_inject_and_recover(self, freq, use_double, mag_bins, phase_bins, mag_overlap, phase_overlap, use_fast, t0, balanced_magbins, weighted, shmem_lc, freq_batch_size): kwargs = dict(use_double=use_double, mag_bins=mag_bins, phase_bins=phase_bins, phase_overlap=phase_overlap, mag_overlap=mag_overlap, use_fast=use_fast, balanced_magbins=balanced_magbins, weighted=weighted) proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) t, y, err = data(freq=freq, t0=t0) df = 1. / (max(t) - min(t)) / 10 max_freq = 1.1 * freq min_freq = 0.9 * freq nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) run_kw = dict(shmem_lc=shmem_lc, freq_batch_size=freq_batch_size) results = proc.large_run([(t, y, err)], freqs=freqs, **run_kw) proc.finish() frq, p = results[0] best_freq = frq[np.argmin(p)] if self.plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(frq, p) ax.axvline(freq, ls='-', color='k') ax.axvline(best_freq, ls=':', color='r') # print best_freq, freq, abs(best_freq - freq) / freq assert(not any(np.isnan(p))) assert(abs(best_freq - freq) / freq < 3E-2)
[docs] def test_large_run(self, make_plot=False, **kwargs): proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) t, y, dy = data(sigma=0.01, ndata=100, freq=4.) df = 0.001 max_freq = 100. min_freq = df nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) r0 =[(t, y, dy)], freqs=freqs) r1 = proc.large_run([(t, y, dy)], freqs=freqs, max_memory=1e7) f0, p0 = r0[0] f1, p1 = r1[0] rel_err = max(np.absolute(p0 - p1)) / np.median(np.absolute(p0)) print(max(np.absolute(p0 - p1)), rel_err) assert_allclose(p0, p1, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-2)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_double', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_fast,weighted,shmem_lc,freq_batch_size', [(True, False, False, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('phase_bins,phase_overlap', [(10, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mag_bins,mag_overlap', [(5, 0)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', [10.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('balanced_magbins', [True, False]) def test_time_shift_invariance(self, freq, use_double, mag_bins, phase_bins, mag_overlap, phase_overlap, use_fast, balanced_magbins, weighted, shmem_lc, freq_batch_size): kwargs = dict(use_double=use_double, mag_bins=mag_bins, phase_bins=phase_bins, phase_overlap=phase_overlap, mag_overlap=mag_overlap, use_fast=use_fast, balanced_magbins=balanced_magbins, weighted=weighted) proc = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(**kwargs) run_kw = dict(shmem_lc=shmem_lc, freq_batch_size=freq_batch_size) for t0 in [-1e4, 1e4]: t, y, err = data(freq=freq) df = 1. / (max(t) - min(t)) / 10 max_freq = 1.1 * freq min_freq = 0.9 * freq nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) results =[(t, y, err)], freqs=freqs, **run_kw) proc.finish() frq, p = results[0] results_shift =[(t + t0, y, err)], freqs=freqs, **run_kw) frq_shft, p_shft = results_shift[0] best_freq = frq[np.argmin(p)] best_freq_shft = frq_shft[np.argmin(p_shft)] if self.plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(frq, p) ax.plot(frq_shft, p_shft) ax.axvline(freq, ls='-', color='k') ax.axvline(best_freq, ls=':', color='r') assert(not any(np.isnan(p))) assert(not any(np.isnan(p_shft))) baseline = max(t) - min(t) delta_f = abs(best_freq - best_freq_shft) top_freq_is_close = delta_f * baseline < 1 diffs = np.absolute(p - p_shft) atol, rtol = 1e-1 * max(np.absolute(p)), 2e-1 upper_limit = atol + rtol * np.absolute(p) pct_out_of_bounds = sum(diffs > upper_limit) / len(diffs) print(pct_out_of_bounds, delta_f * baseline) assert(top_freq_is_close and pct_out_of_bounds < 5e-2)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_double', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shmem_lc', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq_batch_size', [1, None]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('phase_bins,phase_overlap,mag_bins,mag_overlap', [(10, 0, 5, 0), (10, 1, 5, 1)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('freq', [12.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t0', [0.0]) #@pytest.mark.parametrize('balanced_magbins', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('balanced_magbins', [False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('weighted', [False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('force_nblocks', [1, None]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ndata', [300]) def test_fast(self, freq, use_double, mag_bins, phase_bins, mag_overlap, phase_overlap, t0, balanced_magbins, weighted, shmem_lc, freq_batch_size, force_nblocks, ndata): kwargs = dict(use_double=use_double, mag_bins=mag_bins, phase_bins=phase_bins, phase_overlap=phase_overlap, mag_overlap=mag_overlap, balanced_magbins=balanced_magbins, weighted=weighted) proc_fast = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(use_fast=True, **kwargs) proc_slow = ConditionalEntropyAsyncProcess(use_fast=False, **kwargs) t, y, err = data(freq=freq, t0=t0, ndata=ndata) df = 1. / (max(t) - min(t)) / 10 max_freq = 1.1 * freq min_freq = 0.9 * freq nf = int((max_freq - min_freq) / df) freqs = min_freq + df * np.arange(nf) run_kw = dict(shmem_lc=shmem_lc, freq_batch_size=freq_batch_size, force_nblocks=force_nblocks) results_fast =[(t + t0, y, err)], freqs=freqs, **run_kw) proc_fast.finish() frq_fast, p_fast = results_fast[0] results_slow =[(t + t0, y, err)], freqs=freqs) proc_slow.finish() frq_slow, p_slow = results_slow[0] max_diff = 2e-2 * max(np.absolute(p_slow)) if self.plot and \ not all(np.absolute(p_slow - p_fast) < max_diff): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(frq_slow, p_slow, alpha=0.5) ax.plot(frq_fast, p_fast, alpha=0.5) ax.axvline(freq, ls='-', color='k') f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(frq_slow, (p_slow - p_fast) / max(np.absolute(p_slow))) ax.axvline(freq, ls='-', color='k') # print best_freq, freq, abs(best_freq - freq) / freq assert(not any(np.isnan(p_slow))) assert(not any(np.isnan(p_fast))) assert_allclose(p_slow, p_fast, atol=2e-2 * max(np.absolute(p_slow)))